Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Sing-a-Long

By: Kaylie and Tara

December 20,2010 we were suprised by getting picked for the sing -a-long because we had a avarge of 90% or higher in AR. We had to go down at 8:15 and Mrs. Davis played piano while we sang and she played butifuly and teachers sang along too . We sang Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer and Deck the Halls and we got a special treat because we performed good and our special treat was miniature candy canes. We had a lot of fun!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Geography Bee

By Harley and Timmy

On December 9, 2010 was the class Geography Bee. So in class we had our teacher Mrs.Sharp ask us questions so who ever won first or second went to go against the 4 and 5 grade class. So Timmy and Harley won and went to the Geography Bee. Two students from every class got to compete. They sat in front of all of the parents, and all of fourth and fifth grade. They answered some very difficult questions. It was very hard. I was so nervous!

Even though they didn't win, we are very proud of them for reaching the school-wide competition.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Abbie!

Abbie's birthday was actually yesterday, but we didn't have a chance to put up any information about her! Instead she is typing today and would like to tell you a little about herself.

My name is Abigail and I am ten years old and I like baseball soccer and gymnastics. I have a littie sister named Bobbie and a mom and dad named Richard and Gina. I have two little dogs a chiuaua and a cocolate lab named Nugget and Gigzet. i just love dogs when I get older I want a whole lot of dogs and when I get older I wanna be a vet. and my best friend is Maddie and Cassandra. I am not much of a cat person so don't assume I am.

We hope you enjoyed learning a little more about Abbie!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Birthday Maddie!

Today is Maddie's 10th birthday. Instead of doing a video, she would like to to write about herself for you!

Hi My name is Maddie and I am 10 years old.To be honest, I do like to shop til' I drop. I also like to play video games. My favorite snack is Pringles. My favorite food is spaghetti. I like to draw and paint. My favorite sports teams are the 76ers, Ravens, and the Phillies. My favorite subject is Science. I hate to read. Hope you have a great year.<3<3

Happy Birthday Maddie! Our class hopes you have a wonderful day!