By : Hannah and Sage
On the day of May 21st, our school had a Family Picnic. Our parents came at our lunch time and ate lunch with us. You were able to order hot dogs or PB & J, along with Sun chips and ice cream!After we ate, we could look at all the stands or go to the Book Swap. The stands had information about different clubs you could join in the summer, or information about joining music in Middle School. If you brought in books from your house that you did not want any more you gave them to the person that came around with a cart and how many books you brought you would get a coupon to be able to get that many books. Right before the picnic was a Blow Up Obstacle Course. What you did was race against another kids in a different class.Even Mrs. Sharp had a turn! Our whole class was dancing to the electric slide and it was so funny! It was an awesome Friday! I wished it would never end.We had lots of fun!!!!!
Sure sounds like you guys had fun that day! Family picnics are so awesome, right? That's why we go the parks here in Denver, CO as often as we can. The place is open for any activity that you can imagine doing with your family, so it's the perfect way to get my kids busy with something that can get them physically and mentally active.