Thursday, June 3, 2010


By: Melina

On May 19th, 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders took a field trip to Del Tech in Georgetown. The point of the trip was to learn about economics. it was called Econ and M.E. We were divided into grades and schools.

There were three parts to this competition, the the prodution the test and the problem solving. Plus we got free t shirts. the production was when we had to make shiny pennies booklets for kindergateners. The students had to cut out perfect paper pennies and a instruction book and a whole bunch of other items. A few teams from Banneker won for that, actually fourth grade class got first place for that. The easiest part, I think, was the test. The test was 36 different questions all about econmics. My group won third place for this segment! Finally there was the problem solving part of the competition. The problem was ace vending machine needed a new type of vending machine. 2 or 3 gruops from Banneker won a ribbon for this part.

It took the whole day so of course we ate lunch there. All in all I had a great time! Especially because I won a ribbon!

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